Young Zoologist - Green Sea Turtle - A First Field Guide to the Ocean Reptile from the Tropics

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Carlee Jackson and Neon Squid

illustrated by Daniel Rieley

Explore coral reefs to study green sea turtles in this beautiful nonfiction field guide for kids.

You might know that green sea turtles have incredible shells, but there's so much more to learn about these underwater marvels! Turn the pages to find out how green sea turtles keep seagrass beds healthy by mowing" them, and how some species of fish like to hitch a ride on their shells. You'll also witness the amazing egg hatching frenzy that occurs - when baby turtles have to make a mad dash from the beach to the safety of the sea. Filled with simple science and plenty of animal facts, this book also looks at the conservation challenges these endangered animals face due to climate change, poaching, and plastic pollution.

Written by marine biologist Carlee Jackson and featuring stunning illustrations by Daniel Rieley, Green Sea Turtle (Young Zoologist) is part of an exciting series of animal books from Neon Squid aiming to inspire the next generation of biologists and conservationists.

Also available: Humpback Whale, Giant Panda, African Elephant, Emperor Penguin, Koala, Honey Bee

Carlee Jackson is a marine biologist, environmental educator, and science communicator currently based in Florida. She co-founded Minorities in Shark Sciences (MISS), which aims to make the field of shark science more accessible to women of color. Daniel Rieley is a freelance illustrator based in London, UK. His work is influenced by his travels and everyday adventures"; he finds hiking in remote landscapes, French cinema, the ocean, animals (the wild kind), interesting people, and surfing particularly rich sources of inspiration. Daniel works with a range of media, including pencils, watercolour, inks, and digital. Neon Squid creates beautiful nonfiction books for inquisitive kids (and kids at heart). We believe the most amazing stories are real ones, so our books are for children who want to decipher ancient scrolls, orbit distant stars, and dive into the deepest oceans. Our books are a labor of love - written by experts, illustrated by the best artists around, and produced using the finest materials, including sustainably sourced paper. We hope that by reading them kids are encouraged to further explore the world around them.

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