Team Brain

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Meet Team Brain! Have you or someone you know ever had such big feelings that you lose all control? Team Brain is here to explain some of the inner workings of your mind and give you some tools to handle the stress storms of daily life.

A playful take on introducing children to the stress cycle and the 3 F's: flight, fight, freeze and how important it is to build tools and skills for emotional regulation.

Identifying our feelings and knowing what to do when we have those feelings (emotional regulation) is one of those things in life that takes a bit of consistency and practice to work well. Kids tell me that practicing social emotional tools like breathing is 'boring' 'pointless' 'a waste of time'....

The goal of this book is to show children why learning tools is important BUT also how it can be super fun!! I also discovered when you teach kids a little bit about brain science they are more willing to give practicing tools a whirl.

The Adventures of Team Brain is a playful take on brain science and how emotional regulation works. It encourages children to become superheroes in their own emotional regulation story!

Written by Tara Gratto and Illustrated by Jerome Cabantan

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