Clothing Mystery Box

$ 50.00 Sale

Overwhelmed? Crunched for time? Can't narrow down your cart? Have a birthday present you need to buy and you have no idea what to get?

Or do you just love getting surprise packages in the mail?

Let us help with a Mystery Box!

Note: we're based in Canada and our store currency is CAD$ so the choices offered are for 50 or 100 CAD$

What is a Mystery Box?

You provide us with some ideas about your child and their likes/dislikes and we'll pull together a package for you. It may be an outfit. It may be some items that will round out a wardrobe. And regardless, there will always be a little something extra included.

What do I do next?

Use the text box on this page to let us know more!!

  • age
  • size
  • height / build
  • favourite colours
  • dislikes
  • would you like an outfit (or not)
  • do you want my kiddo to help style it
  • or anything else you think might help!

Note: Promotional Codes do not apply to Mystery Boxes as they are already include more value than the price of the box. Any orders placed with a promo code will be cancelled (as Shopify does not allow us to exclude items from promo codes at this point in time).

Credit for this idea goes to @jackie_oliva (thank you so much!)

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